Podcast Guest Episode- Prosperous Doc® Podcast on Perfectionism

by Nov 21, 2022Podcasts, Resources0 comments

As a recovering perfectionist, I was motivated by having impossibly high standards for most of my life. I was terrified of making a mistake. I never wanted to “fail”. I hated the idea of “failure.”

I thought I had to get it “right” in order to be liked and accepted. Until I realized these perfectionist tendencies were actually holding me back, impacting my relationships, and causing me to overextend myself at my own expense.

In this episode of the Prosperous Doc®, I share my experiences with host Shane Tenny, CFP® about the root of perfectionism, the connection between perfectionist-induced stress and physical symptoms, and how to overcome this chronic belief system.

As I mentioned in my recent TEDx talk, our body has its own intelligence and it talks to us. We need to pay attention to these messages.

I also cover more details in my bestselling self-help book “So Much Better,” where I outline the three key pillars to overcome perfectionism: calm, confidence and curiosity. 

“It’s a resource and guide that I wish I had years ago, because in my own journey, I realized that there were so many other modalities and techniques and practices that can be very helpful and transformative,” says Dr. Tsai of her book. “These are skills that anyone can learn and master.”

Check out the episode to hear and learn about:

➡️ reframing what self-care means to overcome perfectionism

➡️ how perfectionism is praised in society but can have harmful effects

➡️ a healthy change is possible but requires doing the work

Tune in and listen HERE: https://www.sdtplanning.com/podcasts/learn-how-to-let-go-of-perfectionism

Be well!!! ☀️☀️☀️

#podcastguest #somuchbetter #mindfulness #selfcompassion #perfectionism

Cindy Tsai

Cindy Tsai


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